Friday, September 19, 2008

Writing Ideas - "Exercise 30"

A couple of writing prompts posted to the group ...

By: D.A., and Sue

Writing Ideas - "Exercise 30"

In the photo below, what are the women doing? What are they saying to passers-by? What are they saying to one another? What are they thinking inside themselves?


In the photo below, what are the women doing? Protesting the Iraq War

What are they saying to passers-by? Please contact your Senator and give him your thoughts on the war

What are they saying to one another? I hope that someone listens to us.

What are they thinking inside themselves? If only this would bring back our loved ones.


"I am not a Slave! I will never Shave!" the Hirsute Harem loudly proclaimed.
(Pictured above, from left to right: Shannon Dungas, Esther Labum, Gertie Gerard, Harriot Funkelstein, and Georgette Kuntey)

Gertie was quiet vehement when planning their afternoon's protest. Despite Esther's objections, Gertie had convinced them all the pose au natural for their protest signs. "We are a work of beauty, with our braided underarm hair, and our sasquatch like legs. We will not conform to some ill-perceived notion of beauty!"

"... but Gertie ... everyone can see my Hoo-ha." Esther stammered nervously.

Shannon shrugged as she continued to paint slogans. She could really care less about the whole group, she was here only for the pot. Primo-killer stuff that Georgette grew on her acreage. (Georgette was actually growing it for the hemp to make clothes for the cities stray cats). She even had a nice little side-line selling it to her parents friends, and had turned a nice little profit.

Harriot wrapped her arms around Esther, "Oh hush dear. It's a beautiful vagina. The birthplace of all life. Nothing to be ashamed of." Harriot was the soul of their group. While Gertie may be the drive and the brains, with her anger against the 'Opressive Patriarchial Society'; Harriot would often with a small nod, and her gentle smile, and the knowing look in her eye remind them why they were all here.



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