Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Writing Ideas - "Exercise 26"

A couple of writing prompts posted to the group ...

Writing Ideas - "Exercise 26"

by Marie, Tina, and Sue

Write a short monologue for a person (real or made up) who is extremely unlike yourself. That is, if you are an agnostic, write a monologue for a person who believes literally in the holy book of her or his religion. If you think you could never have an abortion, try writing the thoughts of a woman who thinks she absolutely must have one. Maybe even better, try imagining what it would be like to be desperate and pregnant if you are in real life a man!


Hi! I am Chat. Better known as Chatty Cathy. I was once a very popular doll. Little girls just loved me back when I was young. Some little boys loved me too but they never wanted me to tell anyone. I really liked when the boys played with me. I would ask the boys "let's play House?' and they loved that game. That was always fun!

One day my mommy put me in the basement. I must have did something very bad. I told my mommy over and over "I love you! I love you! I love you!", but mommy would not listen. I spent many a lonely nights in the dark, damp, smelly, basement all alone except for Bobo. Bobo was a dog. I would say to Bobo "tell me a story" but Bobo did not talk.

One day it started to rain outside. It rained and it rained and it rained. The water started to come inside my basement. Bobo looked really worried. I knew I would be OK because I know how to swim. Being made of plastic really has it's advatages. I still wanted my mommy. I kept calling for my mommy over and over. "Momma! Momma! Momma! Momma!" I called untill I lost my voice but mommy never heard me. Then the water got in my eyes. I started to go blind. I was really scared now! Just before the last of my sight was taken from me I saw something horrible. Bobo drowned!!!! All I could do is think "I'm sleepy." I just wanted to go to sleep.

Then it stopped raining. Mommy finally come to check on me. Mommy pulled me from the water and dried me off. I tried very hard to tell mommy "please change my dress". Mommy could not understand me at all. Mommy did find me a new dress eventually and I was vey happy.

Now I live in my mommys apartment and not in a basement anymore! Mommy knows my hair is so messy. I try very hard to tell mommy "please brush my hair", but mommy does not hear me. I don't think I will ever get my voice back even though it's been a long time since I almost drowned. I love my mommy!


The Decision

What am I going to do? I can't do this. I have worked so hard to earnpartner in my law firm, his job takes him on the road a lot. Weagreed no babies or marriage right now. I'm just not ready for this.After all, it is my body, my final decision. I'll make theapppointment this afternoon. Using my vacation time will give me timeto recover. I can always have a baby later. I'm still young. I justcan't have this baby.


I have about had it with the people in this building. They have enforced a non-smoking rule in our building and guess what? All of the smokers now congregate around the ashtrays right outside of the main doors. Now those of us who don’t smoke have to walk through all of these people. Smoking is a disgusting and smelly habit. Don’t these people have any respect for their health and for those of us who have to breathe second hand smoke? The state, or the government for that matter, should enforce a non-smoking law.

Furthermore, cell phones are also are extremely over-used. I am tired of seeing people walking or driving around with that contraption attached to their ears. Don’t they realize that people do not want to hear their personal conversations? Those should be outlawed as well. Why do young kids need them to text their friends? Use a regular phone and talk to each other, or go outside and play!

Written by grouchy, disgruntled employee.

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