Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obscure Song Re-Write

Obscure Song Re-Write
by Susan, Fordy, Celt, Doghouse, J. Elizabeth, Marie, and Tina

Rewrite a song. Someone post the first line of a song they know.It might be best that it an obscure song. We take that line andbuild a collaborative poem from it. When it is done we post thelyrics of the original and see how different they are. [The Obscure Song was First of May by Jonathan Coulton]

I woke up this morning
I had a scone and a large house blend
I could barely stand up, baby,
I believe I got the bends!
When a person needs caffeine
Don't give me this decaf crap
To Hades with you Barista,
Do you take me for some kinda sap?
I know it's the bad influences
I've gotta change this circle of friends
Late nights mean morning bites
And it's a cycle that never ends
Give me my Java now! I cry
Withholding it like your love
Your love I can do without
My morning brew I can not
When I got up this morning,
I should have gotten right back into bed.
and slept off this excessive feeling of dread
I mighta killed someone last night baby..But it's all cloudy in my head...
Give me coffee! Give me coffee!
I demand of thee!
But, wait, I can't stay here to drink it,I must flee!
I can hear the sirens, baby,
Oh those coppers are after me.
Oh what did I do in my dream of dreams?
I thought it was not real, who did I kill?
I killed the beggar who was at my door,
He wanted me to let him sleep on my floor
I put him out of his misery
And really just let his soul free
And who could blame me?
No stimulant will help me now,
I needed my fix; now I'm bound for hell,
No coffee lead to mercy killing,
My descent has barely begun,
I'm furtherdownward-spiraling
Maybe I need something a little more strong,
If only I knew where I put my bong
Because that really calms my mood
And then I wouldn't have to think about that dude.
Sprawled out dead across my floor,
I should dump him at the Jersey Shore.
I shouldn'ta smoked that weed, I'm getting too paranoid to think
and the beggar's body is starting to stink.

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