Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Haiku Anyone

Haiku Anyone
by Fordy, Melody, Sue, Marie, J. Elizabeth, Tina and Celt

Silence Reigns in group,
Perhaps this prompts,
CreativeJuices to flow free?

Ginny was my cat
She has crossed the rainbow bridge
May she rest in peace

My condolences,
Heartfelt, extended to you
your heart, She remains

Roses are red, Violets are blue
I'm rather irked today, How about you?

Roses are red, dead flowers are black
I am in agreement with you, My mood is no better

Roses are red, Our days is crap
Let's wander around looking, for someone to slap!!!

Roses are red, That could take awhile
My boss' day present, just made me smile!

Roses are red, I am off to drive
At least my kiddos, keep me nice

Roses are red, Man was it hot today!
90 degrees is way to hot!! It's October, not May

Oh how my head aches
Give me some aspirin to
get rid of the pain

Roses and Violets
Haiku or Not to Haiku
Poetry is Poetry

The snow falls gently
Covering all it touches
The world is reborn

Naughty limericks
Or verse with rhyme and meter
Please more than Haiku
Or so you would think
In our Western love of rhyme
Instead of free verse
Me, I enjoy both
The joy is in crafting words
To paint soul pictures

Kenai squeaks to me
Waits by the door of his cage
To come out to play
Soft and fluffy fur
Ebony eyes full of wonder
Look to me for love
Dear sweet child of mine
Daughter of my heart and soul
Asleep in my arms
Sparkling, cheerful girl
Smiles so wide I just laugh
My heart fills with joy

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