Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Poem - No Zombies Allowed!

New Poem - No Zombies Allowed! by Susan, Fordy, Doghouse, Enyajo, Tina

It was a cold day in Iowa,
A little snow landed on my just washed car,
And a wet day in BC,
At least all the snow is gone, au revoir,
And a day of flurries in Minnesota,
Snow everywhere you look, near and far,
Twas to get up to 37 today,
But at 25, it seemed to stay.
Not to change the subject and not to talk about a quota,
but we've got two people here from here from thegreat state of Minnesota!
Ah... to be in Iowa, you both are known to dream
But sad you are not cool enough to live where the grass is always green.
Life's a balance, sometimes one gives, sometimes one takes,
but we live in the land of 10,000 plus lakes!
Home of Norm Coleman, and that's a fact.
Now that's a Minnesotan who is really whacked!
Enoguh of these States, I'm taking a stand,
Let's talk more of Canada, a land that's Truly Grand!
Where a polygamist was arrest for having 19 wives,
Poor Lil; Fordy is now feeling deprived.
Back to Norm Coleman, he's whacked, yes, it's felt,
but putting him in rhyme is hitting below the belt!
\Said belt is prepared for Childress, standing proud and tall
Attempting to rationalize to press why they dropped the ball.
I had to Google Childress because I am out of the 'Sota loop
Time to get a new coach, one who isn't such a dupe.
Enough of the weather, Enough of this Fluff,
Let's talk TV and movies, and other important stuff
TV you say, oh my what is that?
I can surf all 400 channels in 60 seconds flat.
400 channels and still nothing to view
for more than a minute or two
Two more weeks for the show called Lost,
'til that time I shall get sauced
Hope we see a certain statue's four toes
I wonder where the Island goes?
I heard somewhere it's displaced in time,
I bet the O6 hunt for it will lead to crime.
Well Sayid, the assassin is now involved
The mysteries might yet get solved.
Four toes, five toes or even the whole hoof,
it's too late now 'cuz my TV's Lost-proof.
Ane while I have a sec I wanna go back to Brad
and say the way you coach the Vikes is bad, bad, bad.
I'm tired of the coach thinking he's Hoss
I long for the days of Culpepper-Moss.
Randy Moss was alright, a pretty high stepper,
but I'll pass on the second, you can keep Culpepper.
More sports talk, which is all meaningless to me,
Lets' talk about Rock Band, and other games for my Wii!
We don't all have a Wii so are you telling us it's all about you?
This is something we'll have to work through!
Wii you say, who cares I don't For Lost is the only thing to discuss
The time of the year to revel and dream
Of the many scenes and plot twists to make us scream
With delight and Aha's finally we know
Answers to questions that began long ago
We will get some answers, I do pray
January 21st, yes that is THE DAY
Will the flashes be back or flashes forward?
Not one single nugget have I heard.
It's refreshing to be spoiler free
Shocked and awed by the finale
Questions are tricky
Lost fans are picky
Darlton, don't be pokey,
Just what the heck is smokey?
You Lost fans are fanatics, that much we know,
I just want the dish on that missing concrete toe.
And when they're all done playing in those Lost island spas
does anyone think they'll bring back Adebisi from Oz?
Fanatics galore and theories abound
Richard Alpert's toe is concrete bound

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