Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Two Word Chapters

Two Word Chapters
By Qbryzan, Fordy, Susan, Doghouse, Enyajo, Garvis, Jo, Sue, Tina, and J. Elizabeth

The rules are simple: each person adds a chapter to the story, but each chapter must be 2 words long, no more, no less.

Chapter 1:Villain enters.
Chapter 2:Villain sneers.
Chapter 3:Jane screams.
Chapter 4:Alex turned...
Chapter 5:Phone rings
Chapter 6:Lightning flashes.
Chapter 7:Floor creaks.
Chapter 8:Mom called.
Chapter 10"Come home!!!!"
Chapter 11Phone Dies!
Chapter 12Villain laughs.
Chapter 13:Jane cries!
Chapter 14Alex faints
Chapter 15:Villian grunts...
Chapter 16:Where's Chapter9
Highly anticipated Chapter 9:Time Travel
Chapter 17:Alex moans.
Chapter 18:"Not Again!"
Chapter 19:"Surprised, Alex?"
Chapter 20:"Go AWAY"
Chapter 21:"Try again."
Chapter 22:"Pretty Please"
Chapter 23:"No way."
Chapter 24:"Why not?"
Chapter 25Frosted Flakes
Chapter 26:Sunrise. Rain.
Chapter 27:Foggy. Cold.
Chapter 28:"Alex?" "ALEX?"
Chapter 29"You .... Jane?"
Chapter 30:Pants: Where?
Chapter 31:Moon shines.
Chapter 32:"Hmmm... impressive!"
Chapter 33:"You like?"
Chapter 34:"You bet!"
Chapter 35:"Wanna touch?"
Chapter 36:"Maybe later."
Chapter 37:"Not now?"
Chapter 38:"Too hungry."
Chapter 39:"Wanna eat"?
Chapter 40:"Whatcha got?"
Chapter 41:"Olive pizza!"
Chapter 42:"You serious?"
Chapter 43:"Oh yeah!"
Chapter 44:Jane talking?
Chapter 45:Or villain?
Chapter 46:Pizza scary?
Chapter 47:Not villian.
Chapter 48:Maybe Alex?
Chapter 49:Let's listen.
Chapter 50:"Alex, hun?"
Chapter 51:"Yes, dear."
(Chapter 52:It's Alex!)
Chapter 53:"Do you . . . "
Chapter 54:"Smell something?"
Chapter 55:"Yes, it's . . ."
Chapter 56:"Is it. . . "
Chapter 57:"Fire. FIRE!"
Chapter 58:"Save yourself!"
Chapter 59:"I'll die."
Chapter 60:"Are you...?
Chapter 61:"Serious? Yes."
Chapter 61:"You can't!"
Chapter 62:"Why not?"
Chapter 63:"Because I..."
Chapter 64:"You what?"
Chapter 65:"Love you!"
Chapter 66:"Really? REALLY??"
Chapter 67:"Yes. Somewhat."
Chapter 68:"Now what?"
Chapter 69:"Marriage. Children."
Chapter 70:"That's it?"
Chapter 71:"What else."
Chapter 72:"Matching tattoos."
Chapter 73:"I'm allergic."
Chapter 74:"To tattoos?
Chapter 75: "To you."
Chapter 76:"TO ME?"
Chapter 77:"Well, uh."
Chapter 78:"The marriage?"
Chapter 79:"It's off."
Chapter 80:"Your love?"
Chapter 81:"For you?"
hapter 82:"Yes, duh."
Chapter 83:"It's forever."
Chapter 84:"Then it's?"
Chapter 85:"Yes, goodbye."<>
Chapter 86:"What's wrong?"
Chapter 87:"Oh, nothing."
Chapter 88:"You know..."
Chapter 89:"Yes? what?"
Chapter 90:"We'll always..."
Chapter 91:"Have Paris?"
Chapter 93:"Well, yes."
Chapter 92:"How cliche."
Chapter 93:"I'm sorry."
Chapter 94:"Leave now."
Chapter 95:"Breakup sex?"
Chapter 96:"Fuck you."
Chapter 97:"That hurt."
Chapter 98:"Too bad."
Chapter 99:"Fire's out."
Chapter 100:"Who cares."
Chapter 101:No Tattoos?

New Poem - No Zombies Allowed!

New Poem - No Zombies Allowed! by Susan, Fordy, Doghouse, Enyajo, Tina

It was a cold day in Iowa,
A little snow landed on my just washed car,
And a wet day in BC,
At least all the snow is gone, au revoir,
And a day of flurries in Minnesota,
Snow everywhere you look, near and far,
Twas to get up to 37 today,
But at 25, it seemed to stay.
Not to change the subject and not to talk about a quota,
but we've got two people here from here from thegreat state of Minnesota!
Ah... to be in Iowa, you both are known to dream
But sad you are not cool enough to live where the grass is always green.
Life's a balance, sometimes one gives, sometimes one takes,
but we live in the land of 10,000 plus lakes!
Home of Norm Coleman, and that's a fact.
Now that's a Minnesotan who is really whacked!
Enoguh of these States, I'm taking a stand,
Let's talk more of Canada, a land that's Truly Grand!
Where a polygamist was arrest for having 19 wives,
Poor Lil; Fordy is now feeling deprived.
Back to Norm Coleman, he's whacked, yes, it's felt,
but putting him in rhyme is hitting below the belt!
\Said belt is prepared for Childress, standing proud and tall
Attempting to rationalize to press why they dropped the ball.
I had to Google Childress because I am out of the 'Sota loop
Time to get a new coach, one who isn't such a dupe.
Enough of the weather, Enough of this Fluff,
Let's talk TV and movies, and other important stuff
TV you say, oh my what is that?
I can surf all 400 channels in 60 seconds flat.
400 channels and still nothing to view
for more than a minute or two
Two more weeks for the show called Lost,
'til that time I shall get sauced
Hope we see a certain statue's four toes
I wonder where the Island goes?
I heard somewhere it's displaced in time,
I bet the O6 hunt for it will lead to crime.
Well Sayid, the assassin is now involved
The mysteries might yet get solved.
Four toes, five toes or even the whole hoof,
it's too late now 'cuz my TV's Lost-proof.
Ane while I have a sec I wanna go back to Brad
and say the way you coach the Vikes is bad, bad, bad.
I'm tired of the coach thinking he's Hoss
I long for the days of Culpepper-Moss.
Randy Moss was alright, a pretty high stepper,
but I'll pass on the second, you can keep Culpepper.
More sports talk, which is all meaningless to me,
Lets' talk about Rock Band, and other games for my Wii!
We don't all have a Wii so are you telling us it's all about you?
This is something we'll have to work through!
Wii you say, who cares I don't For Lost is the only thing to discuss
The time of the year to revel and dream
Of the many scenes and plot twists to make us scream
With delight and Aha's finally we know
Answers to questions that began long ago
We will get some answers, I do pray
January 21st, yes that is THE DAY
Will the flashes be back or flashes forward?
Not one single nugget have I heard.
It's refreshing to be spoiler free
Shocked and awed by the finale
Questions are tricky
Lost fans are picky
Darlton, don't be pokey,
Just what the heck is smokey?
You Lost fans are fanatics, that much we know,
I just want the dish on that missing concrete toe.
And when they're all done playing in those Lost island spas
does anyone think they'll bring back Adebisi from Oz?
Fanatics galore and theories abound
Richard Alpert's toe is concrete bound

No Zombies Allowed

No Zombies Allowed
by Fordy, Susan, Doghouse, and Garvis

No Zombies allowed!
Not alone, and not in a crowd!
Not on a boat, Or riding a goat.
Not in a train, Not eating brains?

Not in his FTLs or even his Hanes.
Not if they're nuts or munching guts?
Especially not if they're noshing cerebral cold cuts!

No tales of the undead to be told,
It leaves Suzie Q, witha feeling of dread, out in the Cold,
Worried that people who are coming, are full of growing mold.

I Have a Secret

This exercise is ideal for writing groups, but can be done with as few as two people. By exchanging secrets, fiction writers are prompted to explore a topic they may not have considered otherwise.

Here's How: Each writer should take out a piece of paper.Write down one secret and fold the paper up.Put all of the secrets in a hat, box, or other container.Each person draws a secret. Use the secret you receive as a jumping-off point for your short story.

by Fordy, Doghouse, and Marie

I was riding the subway, minding my own business. I hate rush hour! Damn train is always over-full. We're packed like sardines in a tin can. Damn city! I stood up to offer my seat to a young pregnant woman, when some punk sits right down.
"Buddy! have some class," I retort. "What happened to manners?"
The punk looks at me with a steely gaze. "Fuck You!" he sneers, as he turns away. Punks! This whole misbegotten generation, it's the downfall of all society. The train continues to roll-along.
At each stop people get off, and more people get in. One classless slob after another. When did I become such a pillar of society? I may have sometimes been an asshat to get to my position, but I at least maintained the illusion of manners and class. As I continue to muse on the sins of this latest generation, I start to feel an itch in my nose. A maddening itch. That appears to grow worse as it continues.
Damn Allergies! I knew I should've taken a claritan this morning. Ever so subtle I rub my hand along the outside of my nose to try to relieve the itch. ACK! It's just gotten worse. What to do? How can I relieve it, without picking my nose on this crowded train? A tic-tac! I can take a tic-tac, and while I'm shaking the tic-tac into my mouth, I can get a 'scratch' in. I fumble in my pockets, for my tic-tacs. Quickly! Before the itch gets any worse.
At last, relief is a mere moment away. As I bring the tic-tac container up to my face, I feel a sneeze start working it's way through my nasal cavaity. NO! Not when relief is only a moment away. Please, not know. I muffle the sneeze as best I can; but a little booger flew out of the itching nostril ... right into the tic-tac tumbling into my mouth. Gack! I almost choked. Oh God! Did anyone see? Does anyone know? My face is flush with embarrasment. I can't let anyone know that I ate a booger.


Ghosts don't frighten me. It's not like I walk around chanting the Cowardly Lion's mantra of believing in ghosts all day, but I don't buy into that whole ghost thing.
My grandfather died on my 37th birthday. I had gone out after work that day and I got home a little later than usual and I was a little worried because my grandfather would always call me on my birthday and I didn't want to miss the call. It wasn't a big deal really because I could always call him back, but there was a certain thrill to picking up the phone and hearing his voice on the other end saying, "Hello, son. Happy birthday.", and after all these years it was almost a ritual and I didn't want to break it. I tossed down my jacket and checked the answering machine. No blinking light there so that was good news. I relaxed a little bit and started to make some dinner.
My grandfather and I were always very close. He was a wholesale floor covering salesman and he spent most of his days out on the road traveling a region selling linoleum. About a week and a half a month he'd spend in town on paperwork. The story is that he was out of town the week I was born and the night before my mother went into labor he came home because he had the feeling he was needed.
The expected phone call didn't come during dinner and I shrugged it off with the thought that he'd probably fallen asleep and grandma didn't want to wake him up right away. He'd just gotten out of the hospital two weeks prior to my birthday after hurting his knee in a fall and they kept him for a few extra days to monitor his irregular heartbeat so I could understand why he might be napping. Still it was strange. It was a break in the ritual and it made me uncomfortable.
At 6:40 the phone rang. I had dozed off myself and I jumped awake and grabbed it on the first ring, a little muddy-headed, but happy that he was calling. The call was from my mother. Her voice was strange and I couldn't make out what she was saying. I asked her what she said and I could feel her breath on the other end of the phone. "My father's dead", she said.
I could say that I knew exactly when he died but that would make a short story that's gone on too long even longer. Yes, my grandfather and I were always very close. Despite the fact that he's been gone now for all these long years, we're still close. Birthdays are a little different now, but he still wishes me a happy birthday every year. Sometimes I even talk to him about things that are on my mind and I ask for his advice and once in awhile, not always, I get it. My grandfather and I are still close because I've been seeing the ghost of a 70 year old man for over ten years.


When I was young I never thought my father would get old. What did I know? People get old and they die. I should know. My beloved grandfather died at the age of 70. I miss him daily even though it has been many, many years.
I have been caring for my ill father for 10 years now. I love my father and would do anything for him. We have spent countless hours reminiscing about old times. I loved the days we could just sit with each other and be together. I could listen to the stories about my fathers childhood forever if given the chance.
My father is not doing well. I am losing part of him everyday. I have started to organize the house to occupy my time lately. I find that my father can no longer sit and talk with me about the past like he once did. This makes me sad but I have found going through my father things is almost like taking a walk through the past.
I sat down next to my fathers bed with all the old photographs of people long gone, of myself as a baby, of people I will never know and of those who I knew well but have gone. I took my time with each picture, remembering how things use to be. This makes me happy and sad all at the same time. I picked up a particular picture of my grandfather taken at the end of his life. The picture was taken on his 70th birthday just a month before his death. Such a handsome face at one time but in the picture, the signs of age and illness are very easily seen. As I sat and looked at this picture I realized I have seen that face recently. I looked at my father and realized that I have been seeing the ghost of a 70 year old man for over ten years.


Haiku Anyone

Haiku Anyone
by Fordy, Melody, Sue, Marie, J. Elizabeth, Tina and Celt

Silence Reigns in group,
Perhaps this prompts,
CreativeJuices to flow free?

Ginny was my cat
She has crossed the rainbow bridge
May she rest in peace

My condolences,
Heartfelt, extended to you
your heart, She remains

Roses are red, Violets are blue
I'm rather irked today, How about you?

Roses are red, dead flowers are black
I am in agreement with you, My mood is no better

Roses are red, Our days is crap
Let's wander around looking, for someone to slap!!!

Roses are red, That could take awhile
My boss' day present, just made me smile!

Roses are red, I am off to drive
At least my kiddos, keep me nice

Roses are red, Man was it hot today!
90 degrees is way to hot!! It's October, not May

Oh how my head aches
Give me some aspirin to
get rid of the pain

Roses and Violets
Haiku or Not to Haiku
Poetry is Poetry

The snow falls gently
Covering all it touches
The world is reborn

Naughty limericks
Or verse with rhyme and meter
Please more than Haiku
Or so you would think
In our Western love of rhyme
Instead of free verse
Me, I enjoy both
The joy is in crafting words
To paint soul pictures

Kenai squeaks to me
Waits by the door of his cage
To come out to play
Soft and fluffy fur
Ebony eyes full of wonder
Look to me for love
Dear sweet child of mine
Daughter of my heart and soul
Asleep in my arms
Sparkling, cheerful girl
Smiles so wide I just laugh
My heart fills with joy

Obscure Song Re-Write

Obscure Song Re-Write
by Susan, Fordy, Celt, Doghouse, J. Elizabeth, Marie, and Tina

Rewrite a song. Someone post the first line of a song they know.It might be best that it an obscure song. We take that line andbuild a collaborative poem from it. When it is done we post thelyrics of the original and see how different they are. [The Obscure Song was First of May by Jonathan Coulton]

I woke up this morning
I had a scone and a large house blend
I could barely stand up, baby,
I believe I got the bends!
When a person needs caffeine
Don't give me this decaf crap
To Hades with you Barista,
Do you take me for some kinda sap?
I know it's the bad influences
I've gotta change this circle of friends
Late nights mean morning bites
And it's a cycle that never ends
Give me my Java now! I cry
Withholding it like your love
Your love I can do without
My morning brew I can not
When I got up this morning,
I should have gotten right back into bed.
and slept off this excessive feeling of dread
I mighta killed someone last night baby..But it's all cloudy in my head...
Give me coffee! Give me coffee!
I demand of thee!
But, wait, I can't stay here to drink it,I must flee!
I can hear the sirens, baby,
Oh those coppers are after me.
Oh what did I do in my dream of dreams?
I thought it was not real, who did I kill?
I killed the beggar who was at my door,
He wanted me to let him sleep on my floor
I put him out of his misery
And really just let his soul free
And who could blame me?
No stimulant will help me now,
I needed my fix; now I'm bound for hell,
No coffee lead to mercy killing,
My descent has barely begun,
I'm furtherdownward-spiraling
Maybe I need something a little more strong,
If only I knew where I put my bong
Because that really calms my mood
And then I wouldn't have to think about that dude.
Sprawled out dead across my floor,
I should dump him at the Jersey Shore.
I shouldn'ta smoked that weed, I'm getting too paranoid to think
and the beggar's body is starting to stink.

"And Slowly I Turned ..."

"And Slowly I Turned ..."

by Doghouse, Susan, Fordy, Marie, and Jo

"And slowly I turned...." and caught my toe on a stupid crack in the pavement and twisted my knee and fell down just as she walked past me. I didn't know what was worse, her and her friends laughing, or the knife-like pain I was suddenly feeling in my left knee.

Then I realized that I recognized that laugh! It was Marie! Laughing at me.! I though wewere friends! In pain, I stretched out my hand.. hoping that she would take it... hoping that she would offer to help me up. Instead she glanced over at April, and the two of them walked away.. laughing... at my expense.

"I'll get them yet." I thought to myself as I rubbed my knee. Who do those two think they are anyway? Laughing at my mis-fortune. What if I'd broken my leg? or hit my head and gone into a coma?

A coma! No one ever thinks about those who fall on daily basis and end up left there, layingon sidewalks in comas! Its a country-wide dilemma. No, no..they just step over them and go about their day.

I slowly picked myself up with these disturbing thoughts running through my head. What if I had fallen into a coma? My will wasn't current and up-to-date - the whore that broke my heart would still get everything. And knowing her she'd authorize to pull the plug in a heart beat, just as long as she could still collect the life insurance. And my goldfish? Who would take care of him? And my apartment? It's a mess, and people would go in and think I lived in filth. Oh the horror of it all. As these morbid scenario's continued to play out, I slowly turned ...

And there in front of me was the answer to all my prayers, my hopes and my dreams! I couldn't believe it. If I had never fallen, I wouldn't have seen it...

Marie approached me, with her hand held out. Still with a sniker on her face, she tried to hide. She helped me up and and dusted me off. Marie is nice after all.

My heart palpitations over those nagging coma thoughts were starting to quiet down a little and despite the burning pain in my knee that maybe wasn't a sprain or twist, but something worse, like undiagnosed disease type or worse, I reached up and took Marie's outstretched hand. As she was slowly pulling me to my feet I saw a shadow move behind her. "Look out, Marie", I shouted.
And she slowly turned . . .

April looked very strange. Not like herself. April was drooling and had turned into a zombie. She reached for Marie and.....

. . . shee let go of my hand and I fell back and banged the back of my head against the pavement and it really hurt but I was thankful that my cap broke my fall and prevented what could have been a catastrophic head injury. I was worrying about the symptoms of a concussion and thinking I might be having some of them right now when April asked Marie why she jumped back so suddenly. "B...b...because you're a ZOMBIE!" "No, Marie, this is just my new Halloween costume! Don't you like it?" Just then a street vendor rounded the corner and . . .

He wanted to know what kind of cap that was that could break a fall like that. Maybe he could make a fortune selling them.

"Can I look at your cap? Did you make it or buy it?" He asked. But I felt dizzy (and a little embarrassed) when I started to explain that I had knitted it myself.

"Yeah, uh, I did, uh, wait, what did you ask?"

It's not that knitting myself a cap was a, well, unmanly, thing to do, but who's ever gonna say that a guy, whoever he is, who knits isn't maybe just a little bit femmy? Not me, which is why I make it a rule to never admit to doing the knitting. Even an excuse that it came from grandma is enough to bring about those looks, so my standard story is that I got it on sale at a camping store and I didn't even know why I had grabbed it today, you know how it is, right?, but this time, because of the dizziness and the knock on the head that hopefully wasn't suddenly bleeding internally right now, it made me tell the truth.

"About the hat. The knitting. That's pretty femmy that you knit, you know?"

"Yeah, it's a long story though and I really don't have a lot of time right now so if you could just give me a hand and help me back up to my feet I'd really appreciate it."

"Will you knit me one?"

Writing Ideas - "Exercise 26"

A couple of writing prompts posted to the group ...

Writing Ideas - "Exercise 26"

by Marie, Tina, and Sue

Write a short monologue for a person (real or made up) who is extremely unlike yourself. That is, if you are an agnostic, write a monologue for a person who believes literally in the holy book of her or his religion. If you think you could never have an abortion, try writing the thoughts of a woman who thinks she absolutely must have one. Maybe even better, try imagining what it would be like to be desperate and pregnant if you are in real life a man!


Hi! I am Chat. Better known as Chatty Cathy. I was once a very popular doll. Little girls just loved me back when I was young. Some little boys loved me too but they never wanted me to tell anyone. I really liked when the boys played with me. I would ask the boys "let's play House?' and they loved that game. That was always fun!

One day my mommy put me in the basement. I must have did something very bad. I told my mommy over and over "I love you! I love you! I love you!", but mommy would not listen. I spent many a lonely nights in the dark, damp, smelly, basement all alone except for Bobo. Bobo was a dog. I would say to Bobo "tell me a story" but Bobo did not talk.

One day it started to rain outside. It rained and it rained and it rained. The water started to come inside my basement. Bobo looked really worried. I knew I would be OK because I know how to swim. Being made of plastic really has it's advatages. I still wanted my mommy. I kept calling for my mommy over and over. "Momma! Momma! Momma! Momma!" I called untill I lost my voice but mommy never heard me. Then the water got in my eyes. I started to go blind. I was really scared now! Just before the last of my sight was taken from me I saw something horrible. Bobo drowned!!!! All I could do is think "I'm sleepy." I just wanted to go to sleep.

Then it stopped raining. Mommy finally come to check on me. Mommy pulled me from the water and dried me off. I tried very hard to tell mommy "please change my dress". Mommy could not understand me at all. Mommy did find me a new dress eventually and I was vey happy.

Now I live in my mommys apartment and not in a basement anymore! Mommy knows my hair is so messy. I try very hard to tell mommy "please brush my hair", but mommy does not hear me. I don't think I will ever get my voice back even though it's been a long time since I almost drowned. I love my mommy!


The Decision

What am I going to do? I can't do this. I have worked so hard to earnpartner in my law firm, his job takes him on the road a lot. Weagreed no babies or marriage right now. I'm just not ready for this.After all, it is my body, my final decision. I'll make theapppointment this afternoon. Using my vacation time will give me timeto recover. I can always have a baby later. I'm still young. I justcan't have this baby.


I have about had it with the people in this building. They have enforced a non-smoking rule in our building and guess what? All of the smokers now congregate around the ashtrays right outside of the main doors. Now those of us who don’t smoke have to walk through all of these people. Smoking is a disgusting and smelly habit. Don’t these people have any respect for their health and for those of us who have to breathe second hand smoke? The state, or the government for that matter, should enforce a non-smoking law.

Furthermore, cell phones are also are extremely over-used. I am tired of seeing people walking or driving around with that contraption attached to their ears. Don’t they realize that people do not want to hear their personal conversations? Those should be outlawed as well. Why do young kids need them to text their friends? Use a regular phone and talk to each other, or go outside and play!

Written by grouchy, disgruntled employee.