Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Webber I'm Right

This group had humble beginnings.. a little bit of fan fic that
started out on another email list. So here is the work that
started it all...

Part One: Webber I'm Right

Meredith and Derek break up over an elective spinal surgery gone wrong.
Searching for answers Meredith turns to her father who tells her that
he is too busy with his family,especially his ill granddaughter to deal

with her problems at the moment. "call me tomorrow" he tells her.

Not knowing what to do.. or who to turn to, Meredith runs in to Chief
Webber. He gives her the most
valuable of information: Don't let medicine and men make you are hardened
as your mother. Find what
you need in life and go after it. That night, Meredith, Izzy, George
and newly single and new roommate
Cristina plot Meredith's new life focus "Get on with it" They called this
new life plan.

Part Two: Or Webber I'm Wrong.

Meredith seems to have the whole word at her feet. She is single and
together. What her friends do not know
is that she is slowly falling back into that world of slutty bar
pick-ups that she was once famous for.
When George discovers Meredith in her room with 2 guys, an
intervention is called for. Once again, she seems
on track. Then one night she is at Joe's. Having fun. Downing
shots with McSteamy, playing pool with
Karev, darts with some hottie she just met. Life isn't on
track after all.... Then she looks up and sees
Derek walk in the door (in slow motion) and behind him
(in super slowmo) is the chief.

Fade to black.

Fade to light. Hotel room. Meredith looks around, pulls her
hair back... she can't seem to remember
who she left the bar with... Then the bathroom door opens and
Chief Webber walks out in only his
boxer shorts.

Fade to black. End Credits


LOL, I love it! Of course, it will paint them into a bit
of a corner with the season finale, so the next season opener,
"Stormy Webber", will involve the discovery
of a tumor in Meredith's brain that is causing her to confuse
herself with her mother. It will be
said that Derek is the only one skilled enough to perform the
surgery, but upset at losing Meredith
to Webber he has taken leave and can't be located.

George tries to convince Christina that she is qualified to
operate,and just when she finally agrees, Derek returns to
save the day. But, wait, who is that beautiful
woman with him?


Could that woman be...... Camille? The Chief's niece,
now in remission, and suddenly a little older
and wiser than she was at her "prom".


More importantly: Where's the Chief?


After his escapades in the season finale with you-know-who,
he might be hoarding the penicillin and
trying to keep a low profile.


Maybe Karev wasn't patient zero in the syph epidemic after all??


Next week on Grey's Anatomy - - In "Sorry about that, Chief",
a dismayed nurse Olivia shares her
test results with an equally shocked Chief Webber.
Izzi bakes chocolate chip mini-muffins.


While eating one of Izzy's muffins, Bailey figures it all
out, and hires a contractor to come in and
plaster up the doorways to all On Call room and storage
rooms. She informs the Chief of her plan
and then says "Disgusting" under her breath as she walks
away. Chief smiles, pulls something out
of his pocket.. black & lacy.. and says "Oh Miranda..."
Fade to Black, Roll Credits.


The Chief, flowers in hand, and armed with the knowledge
that Tucker is back in the hospital with
a "mysterious" recurrence of his earlier brain trauma
poises himself to knock on Miranda's door, his
mind his mind firmly fixated on her va-jay-jay.

The Chief knocks and the door opens slightly. He leans
and slowly peers through the crack.
The lights are off inside, but he can see just enough
to make out something black and lacy.
Something that matches the memento clutched in his
pocket. The door opens more, his eyes
adjust and begin to focus. He blinks and as he clutches
his chest and crumples to the ground
he screams, "Karev, what are...?!?"



The ambulance reaches Seattle Grace Hospital,
Karev tightens the belt
on his trench coat a little tighter. Bailey meets
the ambulance in the bay
and asks Karev what he is doing with the Chief.
Karev mumbles something
and then starts giving her the vitals.

Once in exam room three, most of our cast is
gathered around the chief
working on him, though they are all really wondering
why Karev won't remove his trench coat.
As Karev turns to grab another bag of "O" neg the
buckle on the trench belt catches on
something and the trench slides open.. just as
Bailey looks up. He has on nothing but black
lacy women's "undergarments"

"What the hell? Karev is that my ........." she
cuts herself off. She takes a
deep breath "Get out Karev, Get out of here now".


Karev felt the heat rise in his cheeks and hoped
none of his peers noticed his embarrassment,
or his questionable choice in women's undergarments.

"Am I a bad person just because I like the feel of soft
nylon against my skin during my off hours?",
he thought to himself.

Karev handed the bag of "O" neg to Izzie, turned and
walked out the door hearing the sounds of
the team working feverishly to save the Chief's life.
The door to exam room three closed behind
him and he leaned against the wall and hung his head
hopelessly lost in feelings of despair.
Choking back the tears he knew he wanted to shed, but
couldn't, he heard the exam room door
open, but didn't look up to face what he assumed was the
inevitable reprimand from Bailey.

"Hi there", said George. "Wanna talk?"


"You know O'Malley, there isn't anything you could possibly
say to me to make this less embarrassing"
Karev said, with the Karev sneer planted firmly on
his face.

"I couldn't? Remember me? I slept with Meredith!
She cried while we had sex!"

Karev shook his head and punched George in the shoulder
"You don't get it do you? I have on Bailey's bra!"

"Do you like Bailey?" George asks,. innocently.


Karev smacks George in the shoulder harder, "No! I
don't "like" Bailey"... He pauses, and smacks
George again in the shoulder "I want to be Bailey"
he practically yells.

Suddenly Bailey's voice yells from the Exam room "You two,
get out of here! Get away from my
exam room"

Karev punches George in the shoulder again. George punches
him back except lighter. Karev
punches back... but lighter. Suddenly they look into
each other's eyes, the light punching has
turned to gentle tapping.
"I think you fill that bra out nicely" George barely whispers
Karev looks deeply into George's deep brown eyes,
"Meet me in the on call room...stat"
George nods and steps quietly backwards.

Bailey screams "Get the hell away from my exam room!"


George turns and starts to walk to the on call room,
barely able to hide the excitement evident
on both his face and in other areas. He pulls his
smock closer.

"Hello, O'Malley"

"Oh, hello, Dr. Burke. How's the tre . . ."

"What?", says Burke.

"What?", says Cristina.

"What?", says George.

"What were you about to say, O'Malley?"

"Uh, nothing, uh, I was just wondering how the
tre . . . tre . . . treble sounded on that new Eugene
Foote CD I bought you."

"Very good, O'Malley, very good. Yang and I are taking a
stroll down to the cafeteria, would you
care to join us?"

"No, thank you, Dr. Burke. I'm meeting Karev to explore,
er, to examine, uh, to go over some case
notes and I'm late now."

"Very well, O'Malley."

"Did you see what I saw, Preston?"

"What was that, Cristina?"

"I don't know, but either that was the largest stethoscope
I've ever seen in George's smock, or he
was certainly happy to see me!"

"It's always about you, isn't it?"

"Not always, Burke, not always. And what was that all
about, you haven't listened to a Eugene Foote
CD since he was lost in the OR. Are you hiding something?
If you're hiding something I should know
because I'm your girlfriend and you shouldn't hide anything
from your girlfriend.", said Cristina
between gulps of super caffeinated coffee as she and Burke
continued down the hall toward the

"No, I'm not hiding anything, Yang.", Burke said, becoming
more annoyed. "When will you realize
that it's not always about you? I'm worrying about my career
and my position here and I can't
always compensate and cover for your emotional shortcomings!"


"I don't have time for this today" Cristina said in a huff
and walked away.

Burke watched her walk down the hallway... he leaned
against the wall and a small smile came
to his face...

(Fade in eerie flashback music.....)

Burke flashes back.... as his smile grows larger.

"O'Malley" he called out loudly as he enters the Doctors locker room.

Only the sound of a shower running is heard.

Burke takes off his scrub top, and opens up a locker room.

A faint sound of George singing in the shower is now heard.
Burke smiles and grabs a towel...

He steps into the shower and sees two shadows. He pulls back the curtain.
It's O'malley and he is scrubbing Chief Webber's back.

"Preston" Webber says, "You know how you much you would like my job
when I retire?"

Preston nods... a little shocked by what he is seeing....

Webber smiles "Then grab that other Loofah and help O'Malley
with my back. I need some heavy duty exfoliating".

(Eerie flashback music fades back in and then out)

Back to real time.

Burke leans up, wide smile on his face and mumbles to
himself "That was one promotion I didn't
mind working it for" And he heads on down the hall...
with a little skip in his step.


"Wow, I've never really noticed how bright and cheerful the
hallways are here at Seattle Grace",
Burke thought to himself as he basked in the afterglow of
his memory. "So many memories, so many
*good* memories and what am I doing? I spend my energy on
my career and never stop and pay
attention to the important things in life. Maybe I should
just hang up my smock and . . ."

"Hey, Dr. Burke"

"Wha? Oh, Karev, how are you"?

"Fine sir, are you alright? You were smiling like I've
never seen you smile before."

"Yes, Karev, I'm fine. I'm just recalling a less stressful
time is all. I'm sure you can relate."

"Yes, sir."

"Are you still working with Dr. Sloan?"

"No, sir, I'm actually going to meet George."

"O'Malley? I just saw him a few minutes ago. What's going on?"

"Oh, uh, nothing, sir. We were just gonna brush up on some
procedure is all."

"I see, well then, carry on, Karev. Karev, is it just my
imagination, or are you wearing Addison Shephard's panties?"

"No, they're actually Dr. Bailey's panties and dammit, I'm
not ashamed to admit it."

"That's alright, Karev, you have nothing to be ashamed about."

"Uh, Dr. Burke, would you like to join George and I?"


Burke smiled, "Karev... I could just ki...." he was
interrupted by his ringing
cell phone. "I'll meet you both there" Burke said
and flipped his phone open.
"Burke" he said.

"Preston" It was Adele Webber. "We need to talk"

"I can't. Not now. I am about to scrub in for a
triple bypass"

"Don't lie Preston." She said. "We have a deal. I want my
husband back
and you want to be chief of surgery. If I remember right,
you said you would
do anything... anything,... sex, lies, blackmail.
Murder. Murder, Preston.
Do you recall saying that? Murder?"

"I know what I said" Burke said, sharply, under his breath.

"Well then, now that you have all you need for the
blackmail part of the
scheme, I think it is time we move on to the murder
part. Be at my house
tonight at 8pm... and we will discuss who you are
taking out. Got it.

Burke didn't respond. He just flipped the phone closed.
How could a day
start so right and go so wrong.....


As soon as he disconnected the phone Burke knew that
Adelle's call had put his plans with Bailey
and Karev on hold. If he wasn't careful how he
proceeded from here, those plans might be on hold
forever. He walked outside, pulled the collar of his
smock up to provide some protection from the
rain and wind and lit a cigarette.

How could a day start so right and go so wrong,
he asked himself again.

Burke knew his options were limited. Sure, he could
turn on Adelle, maybe even bring in the cops,
but where would that leave him? Her influence was too
far-reaching and mugs like him who jumped
into the witness protection program often had a knack of
turning up on a cold slab in the morgue.
There was also Cristina to consider. He'd been alone all
these years for a reason and now that he'd
finally decided to open up to another human being there was
no telling how Adelle might use that
relationship as leverage against him. No, he couldn't put
Cristina through that. He wouldn't put
Cristina through that.

Turning on Adelle was out of the question.

Bringing in the cops was out of the question.

Blowing smoke on the glowing ember of his cigarette he
thought back to how he got to where
he was today, how he beat all the odds to become a
successful surgeon on the brink of realizing
his lifelong dream of becoming Chief of Surgery of a
major hospital. He was almost there, close
enough to touch it. He realized he really only
had one option. Fingering the snub nosed .38 in his
pocket he knew he'd have to meet Adelle and find
out exactly what it was she wanted and then


Anonymous said...

Then what happened?

Unknown said...

We aren't the best at endings.. but we are getting better.