Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Move and Repeat

Move and Repeat
by Fordy, Doghouse

In this exercise, the first person write a four-line stanza. The second person will take the second line of that stanza and use it as the first line of the second four-line stanza and write three new lines for it. Each person will continue taking the second line of the previous stanza and using it as the first line in a new four-line stanza.


Summer is here, And the sun is shining,
Sand at the beach is warm and golden,
Once long ago, for your love I was pining,
To you no longer, am I beholden

Sand at the beach, was warm and golden
Winter's set in, covering all with frost,
Passion has faded, no longer do you embolden,
What once was so special, is long gone and lost

Winter's departed, taking all the frost,
Spring has arrived, flowers in bloom,
Eyes afire, dazzling smile; with a look you accost,
Drawn to you I am; my heart you exhume.

Spring has arrived, flowers in bloom,
the days are longer the sun rules the sky.
But I still long for the early sunset gloom
You could ask me to explain but I won't tell you why.

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