Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Alphabet Game - #2

Alphabet Game
by Fordy, Doghouse, Craig, JoLayne, J. Elizabeth, Sue, Marie

We have done somehting like this before, but why not recycle it. Each sentence has to start with the next letter of the alphabet. (The first sentence would start with A, the second with B, the third with C and so on).

Ashamed, he quietly turned and fled the scene.

Before he knew it, the police were chasing after him.

Can’t anyone take a joke anymore?

"Dammit", he thought as he heard the police behind him, "apparently not".

Embarassed, he realized he had left his pants at the scene of the crime.

Fred was not trying to offend anyone.

"Great", Fred said aloud scaring the dog that was sniffing the heel of his shoe. "Now what do I do, go back for the pants or run the risk of offending the line of ladies waiting to get into Annie's Tea Room?"

Hearing the handcuffs the police officer removed from his belt, Fred turned around and smiled at the officer. "I don't suppose you'd let me go back for my pants"?

"I don't think so, bub, but I do have a pair of pantyhose in the cruiser I'm more than happy to loan you.”

Jail wasn't so bad the last time, Fred thought to himself. It is certainly better than Annie's tea room!

Keenly aware that he was in danger of showing his bits to the ladies in line, Fred backed slowly towards the officer. "I'm ready...let' s go. Can we stop at Burger King on the way? I am starving."

"Let's go", the police officer said as he grabbed Fred and put him in the police cruiser, all the while thinking that he could go for a nice, juicy Whopper.

Manacled to the back seat of the cruiser, Fred summoned the dark, supernatural powers of his mind and used them to take control of the police officer's body.

Nora, annoyed because Fred was late meeting her at Annie’s Tea Room once again, flipped her cell phone open and droned, “Have you heard from him?”

Outside Annie's Tea Room the forces of the dark had gathered in response to Fred's telepathic summons and gazed hungrily at Nora.

"Please Fred, enough of your forces of dark. What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?" Nora glared irritaded at Fred's gathered forces of dark.

"Quiet, bitch, your henpecking days are numbered" Fred growled a smile, displaying his new dark magic-enhanced canines. Something about tasting her fear were the last words Nora heard before she felt Fred's teeth sink into her throat. She would have screamed if she still had a larynx.

Ray (the police officer), snapped back to reality, "What the hell had this naked guy done to him?", glancing at Fred, he noticed he appeared to be drooling from his mouth; as if he was in some other-worldly feeding.

Suddenly Ray the Police Officer felt afraid. Very afraid.

To be continued ... ????

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