Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Evil of Dorcas Goodvoiceflute and Libby Cluck

From Buffs - The Evil of Dorcas Goodvoiceflute and Libby Cluck
by Fordy, Susan, Craig, Sue

This started on one email list as a passing joke between Moderator's in the Spoiler-verse, we just forwarded it to EC-S and continued it a little further.


"Mua ha ha" Dorcas GoodvoiceFlute laughed maniacly to herself. "My nemesis Libby Cluck will rue the day he chose to cross me." With a flourish she finished her letter:
Dear Dictator Cluck,
Cluck you!
The Revolution Awaits!
~Dorcas Goodvoiceflute, Leading revolutions since 1961
That will put him in his place. THinking he can charge in and take over my domain. I've been cultivating my evil plots for the last five years, and I won't let him think he can usurp my plans of world domination. My minions are ripe and ready.
Libby Cluck fumed as he read the latest missive from Dorcas. Who did this upstart think she was. He had watched in horror as she built up her power-base, and as he realized her plans for global domination he had an idea of how he could turn this to his use. First he had to rile her up, and if he blind-copied her minions, perhaps they'd assume he was all about the peace and the love - leaving them ripe for his leadership.
Dear Dorcas,
I think you are confused. It is you who is the dictator. Dr. Cluck has no interest in ruling over all of spoilerville- he is a man of and for the people. It is his mission to prevent your dictatorship from growing even further and to enlighten the people about the evil that is the reign of Dorcas. So say we all.
Libby Cluck, Ph.D, M.D.,D.O, D.M.D, D.O.A
Meanwhile in his secret lair, Fordy the Fordinator of Light (he'd recently been promoted from "Forderama of Exorcism" by The Powers That Be), planned on how best to save the spoiler-verse, and the world from dominion by these two very evil, noxious villains. He'd already managed to rescue Spoiler-Queen Erish from their mad quests for power, but for her to remain safe she had to remain hidden (occasionally sending secret codes to her followers through the facebook interface). With a heavy sigh he sat down at the terminal. At least he had Good and Right on his side, more than could be said of the fascists he was commissioned to battle.


It was time for Fordy to call in his crack-team of trained femme-fatales ... Fordy's Angels. They could sweep in and also help to undermine the evil plots of Dorcas and Libby. It was only the cream-of-the-crop of the Fordy Girls that were promoted to Fordy's Angels.

Alas and unbeknownst to Fordy, there was much dissension amongst his Angels. Each believed she was Fordy's favorite, yet each didn't know that he harbored a secret affection for one who was not yet an angel. Perhaps a demon, but not an angel. What was Fordy to do?

He couldn't betray his Angels for fear that they would turn on him and choose the path of righteousness that Libby Cluck offered them. So he pined away in secret, hoping one day his secret demon love would love him back. Who was that demon? Ah, a secret so deeply buried that only one had that knowledge. For only Fair Queen Erish knew the truth,and she was not about to reveal all until such time as served her purpose. So Fordy sulked back to his Angels and bravely asked their assistance.


Little did Fordy know that Dr. Cluck had recently kidnapped the Angels to a remote island in the south Pacific. As Fordy tried to call the Angels on the speakerphone at Fordy headquarters, the phone rang repeatedly. "Where are those Angels? They are supposed to be at my beck and call!" Fordy fumed to himself.

Meanwhile on a remote island in the south Pacific, the Angels were sitting on the beach and wondering where their drinks were....


"This is Agent Chienmaison, IMOM reporting in. Apparently there's trouble afoot in the Spoiler-Verse. Someone's getting ready to make a grab for power, I'm just not sure who ..."

Susan laughed maniacally. With all of the snow she had accumulated she was reayd to put her plan in action. She would freeze out New York and Libby Cluck, she had her turbo-powered snow-blower set-on "Destroy". Now she would blow all the snow from Iowa, leading to an early spring; a spring without ice cleats!


To be Continued .... ???

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