Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Welcome Celt

Celt joined the Exquisite-Corpse list in dramatic fashion (and was greeted in a likewise manner)

By: Celt, D.A., and Doghouse

It was a dark and stormy night and as the front door of the old mansion squeaked open on rusty complaining hinges, lightning flashed and starkly revealed the silhouetted figure of the new arrival.......



And then Celt laughed hilariously at the surprised looks on everyone's faces. "Scared you didn't I?"
"The way you jumped out I thought Michael Myers had finally caught us."
"Don't say his name you'll draw him to us!!!! We've been hiding out here in our little corner of cyber-space hiding from him. He's evil you know."


"What's all the noise going on up there? Rusty doors slamming at this time of night? Sounds like a bunch of darned hippies moving in."


"WORSE!!! A witch!"


A witch I tell you. She turned me into a newt.


"What does a guy have to do to get a decent night's sleep around here? First doors slamming and hinges squeaking and then a witch shows up and now I see talking newts crawling around all over the place. Oh well, as long as she didn't turn him into a Newt Gingrich then I can't complain."

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