Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Time for Another New One

Another Collaborative poem. (And one of our longer ones at that)

By: Sue, Susan, Garvis, D.A., Doghouse, Misty, Elizabeth, and Jeff

When I close my eyes I think of you,
Then push a pin in the Doll of VooDoo.
If I'm really upset, I'll push in two,
And maybe light a match under you.

I hate you so much, you big piece of poo!
I could throw you in a pot of stew
Except you'd be too tough to frickin' chew.
And your hair's so greasy, ever heard of shampoo?

Sometimes when I see you, I could just spew.
It's disgusting the pain that you've put me through.
And I think you also gave me the flu,
Ah - ah - ah - ahhhhhh - ahCHooooooo

So now I can't go to the zoo,
I guess I'll just listen to some Blink 182.
Then I'll change my haircolor to blue.
As I decide to make my life anew.

Hey, that sounds interesting. So what will you do?
Probably get a real big tattoo.
Maybe go to school, and some new skills acrue,
And read a bit about Winnie the Pooh!

I heard a rumor that he was a Jew.
That's strange, I thought he was Buddhist because he knows kung fu.
And has mastered the art of Ju-Jitsu
Actually, that was his friend Roo.

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