Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fictional News

One idea tossed around was to make up a fictional news-story. In response to a comment in our very own blog from "Danny Gokey - Doghouse's #1 fan". JoLayne and Doghouse took up this challenge.


AP Wire – from 2 minutes ago Allison, the future Season Eight Idol Winner, was furious when it came to light that her rival, Danny Gokey, not only think he will be the season’s Idol winner, but is also Doghouse’s number one fan. “I can’t believe he would say that, let alone post it in a blog. And two months ago… what an ego. I’M Doghouse’s number one fan and two months ago on Idol there was Lil, Anoop, tattoo girl, and Matt. Tough competition. Danny’s lucky to even still be on the show, let alone the Winner.” She continued, “To be Doghouse’s number one fan, you have to yell Arf Arf! There wasn’t one Arf in his whole blog.”

Attempts to reach Danny Gokey at the Idol mansion were unsuccessful. AP helicopters, circling the grounds for a shot of the husky-throated warbler did manage to capture footage of Adam Lambert and Chris Allen comforting Allison, who was unfairly voted out of last night’s Idol telecast, as she packed her bags.

TMZ reports that Britney Spears has been staking out the Idol mansion in search of a man who can actually sing.

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